Quest cape

A Quest point cape with the hood can be purchased for 99k from the Wise Old Man in Draynor Village by players who have achieved the current maximum number of quest points. Currently, the maximum is 277 Quest Points.It is the only Cape of Accomplishment not associated with a skill. Quest point capes are white in colour, and are currently untrimmable. This also means that the Quest point cape will not act as a second cape in the cape-trimming equation. When new quests are released, raising the quest point maximum, wearers of the cape will have it unequipped and will have to complete the new quests before being allowed to wear it or even place it on their cape rack again. When unequipped (after a new quest) the cape and hood will go into the player's inventory if there is enough room, or into the player's bank. If there is neither room in the player's inventory nor the player's bank, the cape will find its way to the Wise Old Man.
The Rag and Bone Man wishlist miniquest must also be completed in order for a player to achieve this cape. A yellow asterisk will appear next to the Rag and Bone Man quest journal entry after the main quest has been completed to serve as a reminder.
The Chaos Tunnels: The Hunt for Surok miniquest must also be completed in order for a player to achieve this cape as this miniquest is a specific pre-requisite for While Guthix Sleeps.
The Quest Point Cape at present takes 8,198,862xp + Additional Xp for combat level 85 minimum to achieve, and is generally not considered as impressive as a skillcape would be due to the lower time commitment, despite the fact that many quests are far more challenging and involved than most skill training.
Jagex has recently added sound to the emote and some music that plays after the emote is finished.
When you use the Quest point cape or quest point hood on the Wise Old Man, the following conversation applies:
Player: Do you think I need to keep this?
Wise Old Man: I suppose you could use it for defence.
Player: Thanks, old man.

Levels required to complete every quest:
Total level: 1362
40 attack
10 hipoints
60 mining
60 strength
60 agility
69 smithing
65 defence
65 herblore
62 fishing
60 ranged
63 thieving
70 cooking
55 prayer
66 crafting
55 firemaking
75 magic
53 fletching
72 woodcutting
50 runecrafting
59 slayer
65 farming
50 construction
55 hunter
23 summoning
85 Combat
277 Quest points