A Slayer cape is the Cape of Accomplishment for players who have achieved level 99 in the Slayer skill. The cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Duradel (slayer master), or from Lapalok after While Guthix Sleeps, in Shilo Village. Slayer capes are black in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. Note that since Duradel/Lapalok is in Shilo Village, the Shilo Village Quest must be completed before the player can enter the village.
It is difficult to obtain 99 slayer before any other skill, since hitpoints experience is gained at a faster rate. However, people have managed to achieve this through the use of :
Dwarf multicannon
Controlled attack style
Rings of recoil
Super fishing explosives
Jade vine
Swapping Slayer points or Penguin points for slayer experience
Experience lamps