Quest cape

A Quest point cape with the hood can be purchased for 99k from the Wise Old Man in Draynor Village by players who have achieved the current maximum number of quest points. Currently, the maximum is 277 Quest Points.It is the only Cape of Accomplishment not associated with a skill. Quest point capes are white in colour, and are currently untrimmable. This also means that the Quest point cape will not act as a second cape in the cape-trimming equation. When new quests are released, raising the quest point maximum, wearers of the cape will have it unequipped and will have to complete the new quests before being allowed to wear it or even place it on their cape rack again. When unequipped (after a new quest) the cape and hood will go into the player's inventory if there is enough room, or into the player's bank. If there is neither room in the player's inventory nor the player's bank, the cape will find its way to the Wise Old Man.
The Rag and Bone Man wishlist miniquest must also be completed in order for a player to achieve this cape. A yellow asterisk will appear next to the Rag and Bone Man quest journal entry after the main quest has been completed to serve as a reminder.
The Chaos Tunnels: The Hunt for Surok miniquest must also be completed in order for a player to achieve this cape as this miniquest is a specific pre-requisite for While Guthix Sleeps.
The Quest Point Cape at present takes 8,198,862xp + Additional Xp for combat level 85 minimum to achieve, and is generally not considered as impressive as a skillcape would be due to the lower time commitment, despite the fact that many quests are far more challenging and involved than most skill training.
Jagex has recently added sound to the emote and some music that plays after the emote is finished.
When you use the Quest point cape or quest point hood on the Wise Old Man, the following conversation applies:
Player: Do you think I need to keep this?
Wise Old Man: I suppose you could use it for defence.
Player: Thanks, old man.

Levels required to complete every quest:
Total level: 1362
40 attack
10 hipoints
60 mining
60 strength
60 agility
69 smithing
65 defence
65 herblore
62 fishing
60 ranged
63 thieving
70 cooking
55 prayer
66 crafting
55 firemaking
75 magic
53 fletching
72 woodcutting
50 runecrafting
59 slayer
65 farming
50 construction
55 hunter
23 summoning
85 Combat
277 Quest points

summoning skillcape

[ A Summoning cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Pikkupstix in Taverley by players who have achieved level 99 Summoning. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Summoning skill. Summoning capes are pale blue in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. The Summoning skillcape is currently the rarest skillcape as very few players have achieved this, and most of the players who have achieved this are very high-leveled characters and have a combat level of 100-138 and own several other skillcapes. Mainly (Attack, strength, defence, magic, range, prayer, and hitpoints).

Farming skillcape

A Farming cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Martin the Master Gardener at Draynor Village by players who have achieved level 99 Farming. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Farming skill. Farming capes are dark green in colour, and have a light green trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
This is a uncommon skillcape to see, because farming usually makes less money.
If you click on the farming icon on the skills tab, go to milestones, and click on the farming cape itself, you get the message "Unsurprisingly, capes don't need protection." This is the only known cape able to be clicked on.

Woodcutting skillcape

A Woodcutting cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from the Woodsman tutor in Lumbridge by players who have achieved level 99 Woodcutting. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Woodcutting skill. Woodcutting capes are brown in colour, and have a green trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
This is another common skillcape to see, as woodcutting is favored by many people.

Firemaking skillcape

A Firemaking cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Ignatius Vulcan at Seers' Village by players who have achieved level 99 Firemaking. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Firemaking skill. Firemaking capes are orange in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Cooking skillcape

The Cooking cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Head Chef at the Cooks' Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Cooking. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Cooking skill. Cooking capes are purple in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
Unknown to many players, this cape can be used to enter the Cooking Guild in place of a Varrock Armour 3 or a Chef's Hat. However, it does not allow banking as Varrock armour 3 does.
This is the second most common Cape of Accomplishment with just over 58,000 people having achieved 99 cooking. Create custom animated gifs at!

Fishing skillcape

A Fishing cape can be purchased for 99k coins from the master fisher standing outside the Fishing Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Fishing. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Fishing skill. Fishing capes are light blue in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Smithing skillcape

A Smithing cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Thurgo south of Port Sarim by players who have achieved level 99 Smithing. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Smithing skill. Smithing capes are grey in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. When a player operates this cape, they will get 100/99 smithing. That is useful for repairing Barrows armour in a player owned house.

Mining skillcape

A Mining cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from a dwarf at the Mining Guild entrance by players who have achieved level 99 Mining. It is the Cape of Accomplishment, also commonly called a skill cape, for the Mining skill. Mining capes are greyish-brown in colour, have the mining image, and have a light blue trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Hunter skillcape

A Hunter cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Hunting Expert at the Feldip Hills by players who have achieved level 99 Hunter. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Hunter skill. Hunter capes are dark grey in colour, and have a black trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
Hunter capes are made from Raharni Wildcat fur. Because Raharni Wildcats are nearing extinction, their fur is extremely expensive, explaining the high cost of the cape and other skillcapes.

Slayer skillcape

A Slayer cape is the Cape of Accomplishment for players who have achieved level 99 in the Slayer skill. The cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Duradel (slayer master), or from Lapalok after While Guthix Sleeps, in Shilo Village. Slayer capes are black in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. Note that since Duradel/Lapalok is in Shilo Village, the Shilo Village Quest must be completed before the player can enter the village.
It is difficult to obtain 99 slayer before any other skill, since hitpoints experience is gained at a faster rate. However, people have managed to achieve this through the use of :
Dwarf multicannon
Controlled attack style
Rings of recoil
Super fishing explosives
Jade vine
Swapping Slayer points or Penguin points for slayer experience
Experience lamps

Fletching skillcape

The Fletching cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Hickton at the Catherby Fletching Store by players who have achieved level 99 Fletching. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Fletching skill. Fletching capes are dark green in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
Fletching capes are the 3rd most common skill cape for a members' skill after cooking and strength. Currently there are just over 59,000 players with 99 Fletching.

crafting skillcape

A Crafting cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Master Crafter at the Crafting Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Crafting. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Crafting skill. Crafting capes are brown in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. The Crafting cape can be used to enter the Crafting Guild without the need of wearing a Brown apron.

Thieving skillcape

A Thieving cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Martin Thwait at the Rogues' Den by players who have achieved level 99 Thieving. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Thieving skill. Thieving capes are purple in colour, and have a black trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Herblore skillcape

A Herblore cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Kaqemeex at Taverley by players who have achieved level 99 Herblore. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Herblore skill. Herblore capes are dark green in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

Agility skillcape

An Agility cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Capn' Izzy No-Beard at the Brimhaven Agility Arena by players who have achieved level 99 Agility. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Agility skill. Agility capes are blue in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
There was a glitch which made players, while doing the Agility cape emote, lose the brown poles. Players would do the agility emote and other players would throw Snowballs at them thus making them lose their brown poles which made players look like they were jumping in the air with invisible poles.

attack skillcape

An Attack cape can be purchased for 99k coins from Ajjat at the Burthorpe Warriors' Guild . The Burthorpe Warriors' Guild is only accessible to players with 130 combined Attack and Strength, or, alternately, a Level 99 in either of Attack or Strength. Attack capes are dark red in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
This is a relatively common skillcape to see; the others being the Strength cape, Fletching cape,and Cooking cape.

Hitpoints skillcape

A Hitpoints cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Surgeon General Tafani at the Duel Arena by players who have achieved level 99 Hitpoints. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Hitpoints skill. Hitpoints capes are white in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.
Some say this is the third hardest Cape of Accomplishment to have untrimmed (first being Slayer and Summoning) because usually players get another combat skill to 99 before they get Hitpoints. One must have about 95-96 attack, strength, defence and ranged if they wish to have an untrimmed Hitpoints cape. Unless, you use Pest Control and only spend your pest points on Hitpoints experience, then you can obtain an untrimmed Hitpoints cape without the threat of reaching another skill first (unless you use an attack style that trains a skill already at level 97/98).

Construction skillcape

A Construction cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Estate agents at Falador, Seers' Village, and Varrock by players who have achieved level 99 Construction. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Construction skill. It is considered a sign of wealth, as it is very expensive to get 99 construction. Construction capes are a light tan in colour, and have an orange trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. They also have two different shoulder colours depending on the player's gender. Males have a gold colour while females have the matching orange colour. This colour changes if the player switches gender at the Makeover Mage. The Construction Cape's base colour closely resembles that of the Magic cape.

Runecrafting skillcape

A Runecraft cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Aubury at the Varrock rune shop by players who have achieved level 99 Runecrafting. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Runecrafting skill. Runecrafting capes are white in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

magic skillcape

A Magic cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Robe Store Owner at the Wizards' Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Magic. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Magic skill. Magic capes are white in colour, and have a blue trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. Their base color is similar to that of the Construction cape.

Prayer skillcape

A Prayer cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Brother Jered at the Monastery by players who have achieved level 99 Prayer. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Prayer skill. Prayer capes are white in colour, and have a gold trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. The Prayer Cape's primary colour appears to change based on the player's gender (white for women and slightly grey for men). The Prayer cape is considered one of the most expensive skillcapes to achieve.

Ranged skillcape

A Ranging cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from the Armour Salesman at the Ranging Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Ranged. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Ranged skill. Ranging capes are green in colour, and have an orange trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

defence skillcape

A Defence cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Melee tutor near the Lumbridge general store by players who have achieved level 99 Defence. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Defence skill. Defence capes are blue in colour, and have a white trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill.

strength skillcape

A Strength cape can be purchased for 99,000 coins from Sloane (or Yadech Strongarm after While Guthix Sleeps) at the Warriors' Guild by players who have achieved level 99 Strength. It is the Cape of Accomplishment for the Strength skill. Strength capes are green in colour, and have a red trim if the player has more than one level 99 skill. It is very common to see this cape worn as the Strength skill is very popular amongst players who like to deal more damage in melee combat. There are currently over 65,000 with 99 Strength making it the most common by 10,000 players, followed by Cooking, Fletching and Attack.
Even if a Strength Pure has 1 Attack, they are still able to enter the Warriors' Guild to purchase the cape.